County Approves Esperanza Hills, Sort Of

Thank you to those that came to support our efforts to keep Yorba Linda safe from irresponsible developments. Unfortunately the decision did not go in our favor.

Under the leadership of Supervisor Todd Spitzer, various pieces of the Esperanza Hills project were approved. However, some pieces, like the Tentative Tract Map, were not approved and the County retained final approval over the primary access. They also will require a pre-annexation agreement with the City. The General Plan Amendment, the zone change and the specific plan were all approved today.

We expect the County to file the Notice of Determination on the project tomorrow. This means, the clock to file a lawsuit will start ticking at that time. The California Environmental Quality Act grants us 30 days to file the suit.

The team is meeting on Thursday to determine our next steps. We have created a solid and robust public record from which we can pull information, photographs, videos and documents for a potential lawsuit. We even submitted more than 100 pages of documentation today furthering our case.

If we do nothing, the project will proceed as planned.

If we challenge this decision in court, we still have a shot on several levels to protect our homes and hills.