It’s pretty safe to say that last night at the “Town Hall” Q & A session that there were ALOT of “Q’s” from YL residents and VERY FEW “A’s” from the City of Yorba Linda. Thanks to all 150 of you who showed last night.
It’s pretty disappointing to know that we have issued three letters from our Attorney citing numerous issues with ingress/egress, some as long ago as 90 days, and have yet to get a response. YL residents deserve answers and not “we’re checking in to this”. You know the issues.
It’s was really disturbing to hear last night that the reservoirs should have been at capacity for the red flag conditions 10 days ago and concerned citizens discovered most all but one were around 50%. Yorba Linda Water District what would have happened if the winds were two days later as Prado Dam vegetation was burning in a huge unseasonable fire? Disaster…would have fallen on Yorba Linda…again. Did you not learn your lesson?
Is this good government? Please weigh in on this and let us know your thoughts.