Immediate Needs

We need help getting the word out about our February 8th community meeting.  Would you be willing to volunteer a few hours next weekend to help?

Here is exactly what we need:

  • We need volunteers to help walk the neighborhoods next weekend (January 31/February 1) to inform residents about the Neighborhood Meeting and Board of Supervisor’s Meeting. Our materials are at the printer now, but we need to get those materials out to our neighbors and friends. Would you consider walking 20, 40 or 60 houses?  No training necessary.  This isn’t as involved as the last door-to-door effort, it is much simpler!  If you can help, email us:
  • Join us on Friday, January 30th from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM for a Rally at New River and Yorba Linda Blvd. We will have signs available for participants to hold or bring your own sign.  These rallies increase our visibility and raise awareness of the issues.
  • We need an acoustical (noise) engineer to assist us. If you are a sound engineer and are willing to share your expertise with us, please email us: