Last night, more than 40 community members joined the Leadership Team to learn about a major announcement on Cielo Vista.
The Leadership Team of Protect Our Homes and Hills (POHAH) reached a landmark settlement agreement with North County BRS—the applicant for the Cielo Vista project. More substantive details were provided to those in attendance, including making copies of the agreement available and visual aids.
Specifically, the agreement includes:
- Creating a conservation easement over 30 acres of the northern Cielo Vista parcel––permanently blocking any use of San Antonio Canyon for the Esperanza Hills project access;
- Securing a respected land manager, long term endowment, and legal defense fund for the easement lands;
- Reducing possible access for Esperanza Hills to a narrow corridor connecting to Aspen Way;
- Reducing the project’s overall density (down 30% from the original proposal);
- Inclusion of a tall vegetative visual buffer to block views from homes along its entire southern and western borders;
- Limiting multiple units to single story through deed restricted lots;
- Creating a Fire Community Protection Plan with funding to launch a local Fire Safe Council;
- Funding for the Fire Safe Council by the future Cielo Vista Homeowners’ Association for a minimum of 10 years;
- Requiring gravity-fed water systems for the project; and,
- Funding to cover legal expenses on this agreement and its implementation.
The Leadership Team continues to fight the Esperanza Hills battle, but we have agreed to not oppose Cielo Vista due to the concessions made by North County BRS. At a minimum we’ve improved the Cielo Vista project.
We remain fully engaged and now 100% focused on the Esperanza Hills project.