In an attempt to meet the requirements of the trial court decision (Protect Our Homes and Hills, et al. v. County of Orange, et al.) the County has revised the Greenhouse Gas section of the Esperanza Hills Environmental Impact Report. We are currently reviewing the document in detail to provide substantive comments on the revision. In the meantime, there is one thing you need to know and two things you need to do.
What You Need to Know:
- The Esperanza Hills project applicant has now proposed the project’s primary access to be Stonehaven. It is now being called Option 1 Modified. To alleviate concerns about the hairpin turns, steep grade, water infrastructure, and earthquake fault, the new proposal up for consideration is a BRIDGE TO STONEHAVEN. That’s right a 60′ bridge spanning hundreds of feet from hill to hill. The emergency access will be at Via Del Agua.
What You Need to Do:
- Join Protect Our Homes and Hills at the two upcoming meetings. It is important to wear your red shirt and show your complete opposition to this project. We recognize you likely have busy schedules, so we are asking that you attend ONE or BOTH of the following meetings (described below).
- Donate to support our ongoing efforts. Participating in this effort requires solid strategy. Your donations go to fund our legal counsel. If you think Protecting Tomorrow is important than we need your support. It is now our goal to SAVE STONEHAVEN. We hope you’ll join us!